Eduard Freundlinger
About me
I was born in Plainfeld, a small village in the vicinity of Salzburg, which - even though it was beautiful there - I left in my early twenties to explore the great wide world and make my juvenile travel dreams come to fruition. From a trip that was originally intended to last three months, adventurous low budget journeys to 60 countries emerged as well as a yearlong sailing trip around South America and the Caribbean.
For meanwhile 20 years I have settled down in the south of Spain where I first devoted myself to various activities (a.o. a diving school, a solar (energy) company and a real estate firm) before I found my true calling in starting to write.
By the time I had finished my first five pages it became crystal clear to me that I would now make a great leap forward with my new glamorous author existence: at least to the top of the 'Spiegel'- magazine bestseller list, translations into two dozen languages culminating into Mongolian, and - needless to say - with all my books being adapted for the screen. And sure not with Bavaria Filmstudios/Germany but rather in Hollywood! However, reality showed its bitter face ...
When I had finally completed my first manuscript there was a volley of refusals by publishing houses until after around two years finally the small but rather fine Munich based 'Allitera' publisher mercifully released the debut novel "Pata Negra" of the meanwhile quite desperate and long since landed on the ground of hard facts author Eduard Freundlinger. My publisher, nonetheless, did not hold out too much hope for the work of his future star author and would have been delighted not to loose an arm and a leg with his commitment. But it did not come this far. "Pata Negra" surprisingly became an unexpected success and subsequently the best selling book in the publishing house's history.
In the meantime I produced two further crime novels titled "Die schwarze Finca" ("The black Finca") and "Im Schatten der Alhambra" ("In the Shadow of the Alhambra") with the renowned publishing house Piper. The three novels form my thrilling 'Andalusia Trilogy' around the rather unorthodox working police detectives Rubén de Freitas and Lucia Cienfuegos. The novels are interrelated and build one on another but provide individual stories.
After completing my crime story trilogy I dared to jump into another genre. The book "Wie ich vom Weg abkam, um nicht auf der Strecke zu bleiben" ("How I (once) went astray not to fall by the wayside") creates a blend of a humorous St. James' Way novel, my own biography and an advisory companion - or, as a rather exited female reader put it: "A profound novel on dark moments, enlightening findings, on love and happiness, dreams and changes, and about the weathered signposts of life. A book like a wise friend, which would encourage in a touching as well as humoresque way to think and reflect and of which at the end of that stimulating read you feel having to say goodbye".
The many positive feedbacks with regard to my books - which by the way I happily and short-term comment on - represent my trigger to carry on writing. I love to excite my female and male readers with my books and it would be a great honour for me if my novels would find space in your bookshelf as well.
Thank you very much for visiting my website and heartfelt greetings from Spain,
Eduard Freundlinger